“World Religions Roundtable” recorded zoom event

 This is a report of our virtual Experience Interfaith 2020, reorganized to be called a “World Religions Roundtable”, October 28th. Enjoy the video recording of the event HERE with Access passcode: 3QJR%D@@)

Pictured: An Arizona Interfaith Movement Council meeting via Zoom. Many of these faith representatives and other faith representatives will be participating in this event. Please see the details, including who the panelists are, below:

Phoenix College students participated to help plan this year’s event. Professors Dr. Albert Celoza and Dr. Elizabeth Ursic at both Phoenix College and Mesa Community College have supported the students. We thank them all.

Here is the program:

Dr. Albert Celoza, Phoenix College Religious Studies Director – will serve as the Moderator

Rev. Larry Fultz – Executive Director – Will Welcome and share about theArizona Interfaith Movement (AZIFM)

Anne Taylor – AZIFM Business Manager – Will share about the Golden Rule in AZ

Panelists who will share about their faith briefly are:

Table – Malcolm Read – Host

Anita Rangaswami – Hinduism / Ed Casper – Buddhism / Mahendra Shah – Jainism / Dr. Jaswant -Sachdev Singh – Sikhism

Table – Erica Holguin – Host

Rabbi Tzvi Rimler – Judaism / Diane Hanover – Christian Science / Pat McMahon – Catholic Christianity / Dr. Brian Dille – LDS (Mesa Community College Faculty)

Table – Sierra Williams – Host

Tahar Meghoufi (Phoenix College Alumnus) – Islam / Roland Walker – American Indian Religions (Indigenous Religions/Dine) / Juan Mendez – Atheism / Nicholas Mentha (Baha’i) / Staffan Berg – Family Federation for World Peace and Unification / Les Koel – Scientology.