
New Members and Renewals

You are warmly invited to become a member of the Arizona Interfaith Movement! You’re invited to Get Involved and begin or renew your annual membership with AZIFM. Behind many of the world’s greatest challenges and conflicts is usually some kind of religious misunderstanding, bias or related issue… we’re seeing to do something about this and hope you’ll join us.

By signing up for membership to Arizona Interfaith Movement at any level I affirm to:

  • Live and promote the Golden Rule
  • Treat people, no matter their faith, nationality or culture with love and respect
  • Educate myself on the different faiths represented by AZIFM
  • Encourage others to join AZIFM
  • Make a donation to expand the reach of this movement

Additionally for Interfaith Council Membership:

  • Volunteer time with AZIFM for events; serve on a committee
  • Share from my faith tradition at AZIFM activities without proselytizing