“Why I believe” – Young people share about their faith – On video, HERE!
Have you ever met a person who didn’t believe in God, rejected religion, but felt like they need spiritual fulfillment? Meet Johnny Martin, a 28 year old man who found his spiritual way in the Phoenix, Arizona Islamic community. Hear Johnny share his story of spiritual doubt and the journey to find a deeper connection with people in his community.
Surabhi, a Hindu expressed her humble opinion that religion is never linear. As a freshman in college, she finds it difficult to stay dedicated to her faith while being away from the people she typically practices her faith with, yet she realizes that, at her age, she is more open to questioning her religious journey, doing more soul searching and grounding herself. She’s well on her way and shared some deep insights about her faith.
Evanna, a devout Baha’i explored many faiths until she was 15, then made her own decision. How did she come to feel that religion is momental and she’s more grounded and engaged than ever?
Grant Williams, grounded in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; just back from a two year mission; and a freshman at Harvard, still had to make his faith his own. How did he come through his High School questioning time and decide to make the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints his own, go on a mission to share his faith with others in the Los Angeles area and come back so excited? The depth of his searching and evaluation is impressive and instructive.
Panelists and Moderator. . .
Then such enticing questions followed, such as:
What are the things you like about your faith?
What drew you to it? What kept you there?
Did you have any doubts and how did you handle it?
How would you describe the difference, if any, between religion and spirituality?
In what ways do you think we young people can contribute to multi-religious and intergenerational cooperation?
Why is Interfaith harmony important to you?
What kind of a message would you like to share with your peers and juniors in college and high school who may be struggling with religion, spirituality, and finding their religious identity and staying with it over a period of time to see the benefits of belonging to a faith tradition?
Did you have conversion events or did your faith happen over time?
Please come enjoy the answers to some of these this questions and more, just a click away HERE on our Youtube channel.
If you, as our listeners, are interested in another faith forum where our panelists can answer more questions live, please let us know. Thanks and ENJOY!
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