September 11th is Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Through the website in 2024, in honor of the service given on 9/11/2001, the Arizona Interfaith Movement is sponsoring three, all-faith inclusive, ongoing service projects:
Crochet Hats and Blankets for MD Anderson Cancer Patients
Volunteers needed to join the efforts of the Unity Church Prayer Shawl Ministry and the Arizona Interfaith Movement in blessing those undergoing treatments at the MD Anderson Hospital with a crocheted hat or blanket. Crocheted hats baby- adult sized along with 36 x36 crocheted or knitted blankets will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You Cards for Our National Guard
As we remember the tragedy of 9/11, The Arizona Interfaith Movement in partnership with the Arizona Coalition for Military Families is inviting the community to show appreciation to our Military for their service to our country with “Thank You” cards.
Quilts of Valor
Arizona Interfaith Movement in partnership with Daisy Mountain Quilts of Valor needs volunteers to sew high quality quilts or donate materials.
These special handmade quilts will be awarded to Service Members and Veterans who have been touched by war. It is a way to say “Thank you for their service and sacrifice in serving our Nation.”
These projects are endorsed by the Greater Phoenix 9/11 Day of Service. Thank you for your service and coming to be part of this interfaith community action.
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