Where words may fall short, love filled the space and the life’s work of Dr. Paul Eppinger was appreciated, valued, and continued to inspire us! A Call to Action was given by Paul at his memorial service. He worked hard to plan this service. He wanted to tell his story, but more than ever, I felt that he wanted to inspire each of us to take up his work in some way — to “love our neighbor as our self.” With the Golden Rule in action, and in our own unique ways, I felt he was calling on each of us to respond in the ways we feel called to respond to.
Here is a PDF of the Program – It was a beautiful Celebration of Life Service, full of hundreds of beautiful people from all walks of life, cultures, and religions. Sort of a family reunion for many of us that came together in ways Paul planned over the years. The love was genuine and it was felt deeply. If you see our AZIFM Facebook Page, you’ll see some great pictures from the Service / Reception, thanks to Lynne Ericksson.
The rousing music of the First Institutional Baptist Church was so perfect to kick off this Celebration of the Life of Dr. Paul Eppinger. Everyone ended up on their feet, moving to the music in some way. Incredible messages about Paul were shared and at the end of a couple of hours, it felt like it had gone fast. As Dr. Kelly Bender said, “I feel full, don’t you?!” Then Renee Morgan Brooks sang with such beauty and soul – it was a magnificent send off to Paul’s “Call to Action!” This interfaith mission and movement DOES continue!! More than ever. We thank you, Dr. Paul, for all you gave us these many years. Until we meet again…..we hope you feel our love and gratitude!