Arizona celebrates the golden rule
Did you feel a very special golden rule moment emerge in 2003 when the Arizona Legislature passed a resolution naming Arizona a Golden Rule State? It was a historic moment! Arizona was the first state in the nation to encourage its citizens to strive to live up to the principle of the golden rule in their governing and with one another.
On April 2, 2022, the Arizona Interfaith Movement celebrated that memorable event with “Arizona Golden Rule Day” on the Capitol lawn. Our ceremony started with the Territorial Brass Band playing some lively songs that put us in just the right mood to start the festivities. A Native American son and mother told us the story of the Earth through flute and dance. Colorful mariachi singers and dancers energized us all with their performance. An Indian dancer entertained us with the very difficult Bharatanatyam Temple dance and the famous Buffalo Soldiers gave us a marvelous review of the historic significance of their presence in early Arizona.
Four beautiful young people shared with us the golden rule from their faith tradition. Ella Janicki from Falun Dafa, Anik Singh Sachdev from the Sikh Faith, Angel Gonzalez of the Catholic tradition recited it in both Spanish and English and Tynathan Tsosie of the Navajo tribe quoted it in his native language as well as English. In addition, high school students Anusja Rahman, Camylle Palmer, Jacob Cab, Savannah Perez and Hannah Fennellwere were given awards for essays they wrote about the lives of golden rule heroes in our state.
Mark Anderson, a Legislator who played a significant role in helping pass the resolution in 2003, was there to give us a brief historical overview of how this all came about.
However, the highlight of this outstanding event was the volunteers who came to help pack kits for the homeless. Over 50 volunteers worked tirelessly packing hygiene kits and food kits, and making happy sacks for the homeless population of our cities. Ruth Pagan and Judy Renfro of JustServe.Org, a volunteer organization, organized the entire volunteer event resulting in over 1,500 hygiene kits and 1,000 happy bags filled with food sacks.
The Hygiene Kits were taken to the Central Arizona Shelter Services while the Happy Sacks filled with food were given to Homeless Engagement Life Partnership.
Golden rule moments touched many hearts as the message of the golden rule spread to our many unfortunate homeless people in our cities to let them know they are not forgotten. They are loved and cherished people who deserve a helping hand at this unfortunate moment in their life.
A great thanks to all who made this such a rich and memorable event and a special thanks to the marvelous people of Arizona who help Arizonans live up to its sincere resolve to be a Golden Rule State.
The Arizona Interfaith Movement is proud to have been a sponsor of this extraordinary event and we welcome you to join us in our efforts so we can see the golden rule become a universal way of life.
The Rev. Larry Fultz is executive director of the Arizona Interfaith Movement.

Golden Rule Moments Larry Fultz Guest columnist

Over 50 volunteers worked tirelessly packing hygiene kits, and food kits and making ‘happy sacks’ for the homeless population of our cities. COURTESY OF ARIZONA INTERFAITH MOVEMENT
PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Copyright © 2022 The Arizona Republic 4/9/2022