Anita Rangaswami has lived in Maricopa County, Arizona for over 35 years. In the early 1990’s, Anita started hercareer in the Supply Chain Management area and worked in large corporations until 2008.She has an undergraduate degree in Electronics Engineering (EE) from UVCE, Bangalore, master’s in business(MBA) from Arizona State University, and master’s in public health (MPH) from George Washington University.She has raised a family of three children who are now adults, and she loves the time spent with her little grandson. She recalls that balancing her professional commitments, family life, youth sports, and myriad of school activities, planning family vacations and volunteer work, and fueling a personal interest in building a fledgling community of the Hindu faith, was not an easy task! But it was certainly rewarding to the spirit.Anita was one of the Founding Directors of the Kannada Sangha of Arizona (KSA) in 1988. She enjoyed serving invarious capacities over the decades, including being the Chair of the Youth Committee for quite a few tenures.KSA continues to be a socio-cultural and educational non-profit organization in the valley.She is also the founder of Prana Gyana Holistic Health and Wellness Center, that was operational from 2007 to2014 and served some people within the broader Maricopa County. Anita strongly believes in and promotes theadage of “prevention is better than cure.” Her past public health related work has included individual adultconsultations, children’s educational workshops, and specific classes for seniors, and active adults who lived invarious senior communities across the valley.Anita has been an active Board member and Hindu faith rep in the Arizona Interfaith Organization, since Jan2014. Hailing from a family with generations of Hindu faith background, and married to a Hindu,she chose to dedicate some time to lead a monthly Hindu worship assembly for 27 years. That continuedin full swing until COVID’19 struck which led to a gradual halt of the activities, and the worship groupdisbanded. It was just not possible to conduct the group prayer sessions via zoom.Anita loves the mission of the AZIFM, the credo of the Golden Rule, and playing pickleball!A couple of thoughts on Education and Training:“There will be many teachers in the journey of life: the good ones teach you what to do,and the others teach you what not to do. There are important lessons to learn from both.”“Life is all about learning and unlearning from cradle to grave. Learn well what is nutritious for your mind, body and spirit, and practice unlearning things that are not good for you.”